1306 WARREN'S WAY is a Residential (4 Families or less) property with 0 sq/ft of space. Taxes are $351 annually. This property was built in and is owned by MAYER MILTON & ELLEN who lives at 1306 WARREN'S WAY. The building description is and land description is .
Block | Lot | Qual |
313.01 | 1 | C003B | Owner | Owner Address | Owner City/State/Zip |
MAYER MILTON & ELLEN | 1306 WARREN'S WAY | WANAQUE, NJ 07465 | Property Class | Square Ft | Year Built |
2 - Residential (4 Families or less) | 0 |
Year | Owner | Land Assessment | Building Assessment | Total Assessment | Exemption | Assessed |
2022 | MAYER MILTON & ELLEN | $0 | $8,500 | $8,500 | $0 | $8,500 |
2021 | MAYER MILTON & ELLEN | $0 | $8,500 | $8,500 | $0 | $8,500 |
2020 | MAYER MILTON & ELLEN | $0 | $8,500 | $8,500 | $0 | $8,500 |
2019 | MAYER MILTON & ELLEN | $0 | $8,500 | $8,500 | $0 | $8,500 |
2018 | MAYER MILTON & ELLEN | $0 | $8,500 | $8,500 | $0 | $8,500 |
2017 | MAYER MILTON & ELLEN | $0 | $8,500 | $8,500 | $0 | $8,500 |
2016 | MAYER MILTON & ELLEN | $0 | $8,500 | $8,500 | $0 | $8,500 |
Properties Near
Street Address | Owner | Block | Lot | Qual | Class |
1300 WARREN'S WAY | LINEFSKY MYRON & TERESA | 313.01 | 3.00 | 2 | |
1301 WARREN'S WAY | ATLAS EDWARD & SONDRA | 313.01 | 3.01 | 2 | |
1302 WARREN'S WAY | JEWELL AWARD A III & CASILDA | 313.01 | 3.02 | 2 | |
1303 WARREN'S WAY | SHEILA & RONALD ALBRECHT REVO TRUST | 313.01 | 3.03 | 2 | |
1305 WARREN'S WAY | VOGEL MICHELE | 313.01 | 3.05 | 2 | |
1306 WARREN'S WAY | MAYER MILTON & ELLEN | 313.01 | 3.06 | 2 | |
1306 WARREN'S WAY | MAYER MILTON & ELLEN | 313.01 | 1 | C0092 | 2 |
1307 WARREN'S WAY | SOFIA ROBERT T & ELIZABETH | 313.01 | 3.07 | 2 | |
1308 WARREN'S WAY | CAREN EUGENE & ESTA | 313.01 | 3.08 | 2 | |
1309 WARREN'S WAY | MILLER GERARD & EILEEN | 313.01 | 1 | C0046 | 2 |
1309 WARREN'S WAY | MILLER GERARD & EILEEN | 313.01 | 3.09 | 2 | |
1311 WARREN'S WAY | KAMENS GEORGE & REEVA | 313.01 | 3.11 | 2 | |
1312 WARREN'S WAY | BRENNER LESLIE A & STEVEN M | 313.01 | 3.12 | 2 | |
1312 WARREN'S WAY | BRENNER LESLIE A & STEVEN M | 313.01 | 1 | C003F | 2 |
1313 WARREN'S WAY | CRISCUOLO PATRICIA | 313.01 | 3.13 | 2 | |
1314 WARREN'S WAY | BROWN CONSTANCE B | 313.01 | 3.14 | 2 | |
1315 WARREN'S WAY | MANNE LIVING T | 313.01 | 3.15 | 2 | |
1316 WARREN'S WAY | GITIN JOYCE | 313.01 | 3.16 | 2 | |
1316 WARREN'S WAY | WIEDERHORN NOEL & LINDA | 313.01 | 1 | C0051 | 2 |
1317 WARREN'S WAY | WALKER JOHN & DOLORES | 313.01 | 3.17 | 2 | |
1317 WARREN'S WAY | WALKER JOHN & DOLORES | 313.01 | 1 | C0083 | 2 |
1317 WARREN'S WAY | WALKER JOHN & DOLORES | 313.01 | 1 | C003D | 2 |
1318 WARREN'S WAY | POPEIL PAULA & STANLEY | 313.01 | 3.18 | 2 | |
1318 WARREN'S WAY | POPEIL PAULA & STANLEY | 313.01 | 1 | C0064 | 2 |
1319 WARREN'S WAY | LEWIS HERBERT D TRUSTEE | 313.01 | 1 | C003E | 2 |
1319 WARREN'S WAY | LEWIS HERBERT D TRUSTEE | 313.01 | 1 | C0085 | 2 |
1319 WARREN'S WAY | LEWIS HERBERT D TRUSTEE | 313.01 | 3.19 | 2 |
The property-related information for 1306 WARREN'S WAY, WANAQUE, NJ displayed on this page is obtained from public records from WANAQUE, NJ and other sources. While such information is thought to be reliable, it is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. njtaxrecords.net makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, accuracy or adequacy of such information and data. We last updated our database for 1306 WARREN'S WAY, WANAQUE, NJ from public sources on 2022-12-18 06:24:34 UTC.